Business owners: learn the importance of an employer-sponsored group dental plan and oral health education for employees. By Anthony Vastardis
The following article on the importance of oral health and the benefits of a group dental plan appeared in an issue of New North B2B, a monthly publication serving Wisconsin businesses, from Fond du Lac to Green Bay.
The Patient Protection and Accountable Care Act have made medical care an everyday news item. An area that has been omitted from the conversation is the importance of dental care and its effect on the individual's overall health.
A U.S. Surgeon General report clearly demonstrates the importance of employee’s dental health and its impact on the employer. According to the report, more than 164 million work hours are lost each year due to oral health issues.
Interestingly a 2012 survey conducted by the American Dental Association (ADA) shows that Americans are lacking in the knowledge they need to properly care for their teeth to avoid major dental problems. In fact, the ADA gives Americans a “D” grade in oral health understanding.
These two findings illustrate the importance of an employer-sponsored dental health plan and oral health education. It's important for employers to know that employee dental plans are affordable and can result in savings on overall employee health care costs.
Research has also shown that employees who feel appreciated by their employer are happier and more productive. A dental plan can keep employees healthier, more productive while enhancing company loyalty and reducing costly turnover.
Dental plans offer a number of attractive benefits both for employers and employees. Dental plans vary by vendor and in some cases are customizable, based on specific needs of employees and the size of the business.
Your dental plan should also offer dental education for your employees including on-site lunch-and-learns on important oral health topics, host Q&A sessions, participate in company health fairs, host special education events geared to children, adults or senior citizens, and provide informational brochures and literature.
As indicated by the ADA survey, Americans need more oral health education. An understanding of good oral hygiene and the importance of regular dental check-ups are essential since gum disease and tooth decay can cause other more serious and costly health problems. Going to the dentist can benefit a patient’s overall health since dentists are trained to detect a pre-diabetic condition or diabetes and other health issues.
Dental benefits are vital to the overall wellness of your employees and business.
Dental Managed Care Benefits Your Bottom Line
The Connection between Oral Health and Your Bottom Line
Customized Group Dental Plan
Want to learn how CarePlus can customize a group dental plan for your business? Request a Quote now and one of our team members will contact you to find a dental plan that fits your needs.
About Anthony Vastardis
Anthony Vastardis is retired Vice President of CarePlus Dental Plans, Inc. Vastardis brought a strong business savvy to CarePlus, with a sensitivity and understanding that being in the dental insurance industry is less about procedures and more about the people. He served as a constant reminder and example that we are in the fortunate position to help make people's lives better. Anthony has a demand for quality in all stages of service—he truly believes it's the key factor for success.